Hamsa's -
Hamsa, also romanized khamsa, is an Arabic word that literally means "five", but also "the five fingers of the hand".
Its exact origins are unknown. It is a sign of divine protection, fertility, protection against evil eye and strength in most religions- Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism.
Some theories trace its origins to Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt and Carthage (Phoenicia).
In Judaism it became a part of Jewish tradition in North African and Middle Eastern Jewish communities and represents the hand of Miriam – Moses' sister. Levantine Christians call it the hand of Mary.
Its exact origins are unknown. It is a sign of divine protection, fertility, protection against evil eye and strength in most religions- Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism.
Some theories trace its origins to Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt and Carthage (Phoenicia).
In Judaism it became a part of Jewish tradition in North African and Middle Eastern Jewish communities and represents the hand of Miriam – Moses' sister. Levantine Christians call it the hand of Mary.